Why need Ducting Cleaning for Air Conditioner?

The Goal of HVAC air ductwork cleaning is to remove visible contaminations such as dust, debris, and moisture from the entire air conveyance system, so that the air passes over the clean surfaces inside the existing ductwork ducts. Microbial contaminants such as bread mould, mildew and soil fungi which can be invisible to the naked […]
Why Need Chemical Cleaning For Air Conditioner

As you may aware in Singapore due to humid climate, such as extensive use can lead to decreased function efficiency of your air conditioner, perhaps in some cases, the air conditioner not cold or maybe water leaks and leaves a wet mess on your floor. It is important and essential to understand why your air […]
Important Note For Air Conditioner User

*It’s very important to have your air conditioner check & service regularly *Not only your breath in a fresher air for a better health *You can also save on energy cost & extent your equipments life span As you may aware regular service maintenance of your air conditioner is critical as you do not want […]